Art on Your Wall
Ever wanted to try a piece of art from a distance? Without putting a hole in your walls? Or quickly compare a couple of pieces for the same area?
We’ve got you covered! Here’s the step-by-step guide to hassle-free digital hanging!
Find an empty wall in your home. Take a photo of the space (the higher the resolution the better!) with an 8.5×11 piece of paper taped to it. (We use the paper to properly scale the painting to your space)

We’ll take it from here! Just let us know which piece(s) you’re interested in, send us the picture of your wall and we will digitally “hang” the piece(s) in place. You no longer need to imagine, you’ll be able to see exactly how the piece(s) will look on our wall!

Easily swipe through several paintings hung on your walls to find the perfect fit! If you’d like a collage, or a few different suggestions, we’ll be more than happy to oblige. Contact an associate today!
Traditional Gallery
Western Gallery