Huntsman Treasure Box – Bronze Crow


Dark Cherry Wood
3 X 8 X 6
Bronze & Wood


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educated at Williams College in Massachusetts, where he earned degrees in Biology and Art Design. Much of his training was attained during a long apprenticeship in the Exhibits Department of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
After leaving the Cleveland Museum, Walter worked for eleven years with the Nature Conservancy, a national non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of endangered species and unique habitats. He served as the organization’s vice president in charge of land management.
He began casting bronze sculptures in 1980. Initially, he concentrated on bird life, over the years he has worked on sporting dogs and other mammals. In 1987 he began a series of large fountain and garden pieces. In 1989 the Blair House Restoration Committee placed one of his fountains in the formal garden of the United States President’s Guest House. To complement the fountain, Walter produced a bronze wall frieze for the Blair House in 1992.
His works have been exhibited in one man shows at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art. He is regular participant of the Society of Animal Artists; National Sculpture Society; Masters of the American West; Coors Western Art and the Prix de West Invitational. Walter is a Fellow of the National Sculpture Society, a Master Signature Member of the Society of Animal Artists and a Master Wildlife Artist at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum. He has received the National Sculpture Society Gold Medal Award; the Bronze Medal Award Pietro & Alfriedo Montana Memorial Prize; the Society of Animal Artists Leo J. Meiselman Award; the Prix de West Fraser Sculpture Award; the Masters of the American West, Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Sculpture Award and James R Parker Trustee Purchase Award.
His sculptures have toured with various shows to dozens of museums both in the United States and abroad. Major commissions include: the Wichita Kansas Botanical Gardens, Wichita, KS; Benson Park Sculpture Gardens, Loveland, CO; American University, Washington, DC; Deerwood Office Park, Jacksonville, FL; National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson Hole, WY; Merrill Lynch corporate regional offices; NFL Houston Texans Reliant Stadium, Houston, TX; Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, OH; The Fried Farm, Crozet, VA; the Bird Dog Hall of Fame, Grand Junction, TN and Gonzaga College High School, Washington, DC.

Walter Matia Functional, Bronze & Wood 3 X 8 X 6 (Interest categories: Bronze & Wood, Container, Box, Functional, Sculptures and Accent Pieces, Fine Art, Art Gallery, Walter Matia Artist)

Coors Western Art Exhibit
National Western Stock Show
Denver, CO

Masters of the American West
Autry National Center
Los Angeles, CA

American Masters
The Salmagundi Club
New York, NY

Prix de West Invitational Exhibition
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum
Oklahoma City, OK

National Sculpture Society
Annual Exposition
New York, NY

Society of Animal Artists
Annual Exposition
Berthoud, CO

Mashomack Preserve Benefit
The Nature Conservancy
Shelter Island, NY

Western Visions
National Museum of Wildlife Art
Jackson Hole, WY

Buffalo Bill Art Show & Sale
Buffalo Bill Historical Center
Cody, WY

Birds in Art
Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum
Wausau, WI

Art for Lands Sake
The Valleys Planning Council Inc

Phoenix Invitational
Steel Gallery
Phoenix, AZ

Collectors Reserve
Gilcrease Museum
Tulsa, OK

Plantation Wildlife Arts Festival
Thomasville, GA

Loyalhanna Watershed Benefit
Ligonier, PA
Birds in Art , Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum – Wausau, WI

Master Wildlife Artist (2007)

Masters of the American West, Autry National Center – Los Angeles, CA

Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation Award for Sculpture “Promise of Spring” (2007)
James R. Parks Trustee Purchase Award “Golden Rule” (2013)
Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation Award for Sculpture “Golden Rule” (2013)
Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation Award for Sculpture “The House of Lords” (2014)
National Academy of Western Artists – Oklahoma City, OK (1992-94)

Awarded Membership (1994)

National Sculpture Society – New York, NY

Awarded Membership (1996)
Awarded Fellow (2004)
Maurice B. Hexter Gold Medal Award “Large Great Blue Heron” (2003)
Pietro & Alfriedo Montana Memorial Bronze Medal Award “A Fool For Love” (2005)
C. Percival Dietsch Award, “Seeing Things Whole” American Bald Eagle (2014)
Southeastern Wildlife Exposition – Charleston, SC

Featured Sculptor (2003)

The Knickerbocker Artists – New York, NY

Award Winner Representational Art (1992)

The National Museum of Wildlife Art – Jackson Hole, WY

The Red Smith Award voted best in show by jury of fellow artists “Rising Pintails” Pintail Ducks (2004)

The Red Smith Award voted best in show by jury of fellow artists”The Rebel Angels” Raven (2013)

The Prix de West Invitational Exhibition – Oklahoma City, OK

Major General & Mrs. Don D. Pitman Wildlife Award, Exceptional Artistic Merit for Wildlife Sculpture –“Deuces Are Wild” (2002)
The James Earle Fraser Sculpture Award for Exceptional Artistic Merit “Large Great Blue Heron Pair” (2003)
The James Earle Fraser Sculpture Award for Exceptional Artistic Merit “Promise of Spring” (2006)
Major General & Mrs. Don D. Pitman Wildlife Award, Exceptional Artistic Merit for Wildlife Sculpture – “For Spacious Skies” (2011)
Major General & Mrs. Don D. Pitman Wildlife Award, Exceptional Artistic Merit for Wildlife Sculpture – “Marsh Masters” (2015)
The Society of Animal Artists

Signature Member
Annual Exhibitions (1975-present)
Blauvelt Purchase Award (1996)
Award of Excellence “Pride” (2005)
Leonard J. Meiselman Award for Representational Sculpture “Molly is a Working Girl” (2006)
The West Select – Phoenix Art Museum

Silver Medal Award, “The Rebel Angels” Raven (2013)
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Monday – Saturday 9:30AM-5:30PM
Sunday: 9:30 AM-5:00PM

"Moore Art: A Family Affair"

Exhibition, Reception, and Sale

Colorado Springs, CO – Broadmoor Galleries is excited to announce ” Moore Art: A Family Affair,” a special exhibition featuring the works of American impressionist painter Robert Moore and his two children, Anna, and Robbie Moore. The exhibition will open on May, 18, 2023, and run through June 8th, 2023, at Broadmoor Galleries located at The Broadmoor, 1 Lake Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80906.

WHAT:    Moore Art: A Family Affair

WHO:      Featuring:
                 Robert Moore, Anna Moore, and Robbie Moore

WHEN:    Thursday, May 18th, from 4-8PM

WHERE:  Broadmoor Galleries at the Broadmoor Hotel
                  1 Lake Circle
                  Colorado Springs CO 80906


Broadmoor Galleries in Colorado Springs is proud to present “Moore Art: A Family Affair,” an exhibition that showcases the unique artistic styles of American impressionist artist Robert Moore, and his two children, Anna, and Robbie Moore. Robert, who is colorblind and paints with both hands simultaneously, has established himself as a prominent figure in the art world, and his children have followed in his footsteps.

Robert Moore, a celebrated American painter who is colorblind and paints with both hands simultaneously, is known for his signature landscapes, cityscapes, and portraits. The exhibition will showcase a range of Moore’s works alongside those of his talented children.

“Moore Art: A Family Affair” is a unique opportunity to experience the work of three incredibly talented artists from the same family,” said Broadmoor Galleries director, Jamie Oberloh. “Robert Moore’s impressionistic style is a true representation of the beauty and diversity of America, and his children Anna and Robbie are following in his footsteps with their own unique styles and techniques.”

Robert Moore’s artistic achievements are all the more remarkable given that he is colorblind. Despite this, he has become known for his ability to create vivid and striking color palettes in his paintings. He has also developed a unique technique of painting with both hands simultaneously, which allows him to create intricate details and textures in his works.

Moore’s use of both hands to paint has been compared to the way a pianist uses both hands to play a complex piece of music. This technique requires a great deal of focus and coordination, and it has become one of Moore’s signature methods.

Moore’s colorblindness has also influenced his work in other ways. He has said that he is drawn to painting landscapes because he is able to see the world in shades of green, which he can differentiate more easily than other colors. This has led him to develop a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature and the environment.

Despite his colorblindness and unique painting technique, Robert Moore has become one of America’s most beloved impressionist painters. His works continue to inspire and captivate viewers, and his contributions to American art are truly remarkable.

Anna Moore, a professional artist in her own right, draws inspiration from her father’s work and her surroundings, using her skillful brushstrokes to capture the essence of nature in her landscapes. She works in a variety of media, including oil painting, watercolor, and printmaking. Her work is inspired by the natural beauty of the American West and the people and places that inhabit it.  

Robbie Moore, who recently graduated with a Finance degree from the University of Arkansas, has always had a passion for art and the natural world. He has developed his skills in drawing, gouache, watercolor, and oil painting, and his work has been featured in a company calendar commissioned by his employer. With his father’s legacy of developing artists and a lineage of artists in his family, Robbie’s future aspiration is to make the most out of his upbringing and create a name for himself in the art world.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase the work of three incredibly talented artists,” said Broadmoor Galleries’ director, Jamie Oberloh. “The combination of Robert’s impressionistic paintings with Anna and Robbie’s unique styles and mediums creates a truly exceptional exhibition that will delight and inspire our visitors. Their paintings are a true representation of the beauty and diversity of America, and we are honored to share the work with our community.”

The exhibition will be open to the public from May 18th, 2023, through June 8th, 2023, and will feature a special reception on May 18th, 2023, from 4-8 pm, where visitors can meet the artists and enjoy light refreshments. All works in the exhibition will be available for sale.

Recommended Supplies

  • Oil paints
    • Alizarin Crimson
    • Cadmium Orange
    • Cadmium Yellow Medium
    • Viridian Green
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Quinacridone Violet
    • Burnt sienna
    • Yellow ochre
    • Paynes Grey
    • White
  • Filbert brushes – #4, #8, and #12
  • Palette knives – 3” teardrop shape (if you want to paint with knives)
  • Razor scraper
  • Easel or Pochade box
  • 5 larger (12×16 up) canvases, canvas boards (or masonite boards)
  • 10 Small (8×10 – 11×14) Boards for Quick Studies
  • Odorless Thinner-Turpentine
  • Paper Towels
  • Plastic Trash Bags
  • Drop Cloth
  • Apron and/or clothes suitable for painting


Optional Supplies

  • Carrier for wet paintings
  • Photos for subject reference

1 Lake Circle Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906